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(3 edits)

This is a good game. I added it to my favorite game collection. Your games are kind of similar to npckc 's games. Thank you for making this game!! 😊

I laughed so much. thank you for this.

this comment made me smile, thank you

Cute game to play kind of like a sims

Alternative soundtrack idea:


A song about an egg


A very large egg

It is very crunchy

Cuz it's in a shell

Once you boil it

And you also taste it

Then you won't get poisoned

And you will paint it

R E D!!!!!


It's cute, but I don't feel like I really got it like everyone else did.

(3 edits)

in order to continue after eggbert has gone to bed:

you need to quit the game/close the window and come back later!

eggs for me! i reached the true end!


Eggcellent game! not sure it i found the ending because I suck at games, but great job!

if you would like help:

in order to prevent eggbert from falling asleep, you will have to go HOME sometimes!

I kept clicking that but the button didn't work... =(

(1 edit)

i've never seen that before, thanks for letting me know!

just to confirm, did nothing at all happen when you pressed the HOME button? 

could you tell me what kind of device you were playing on?

I was playing on a laptop and nothing happened when I hovered over the home button or pressed it. The home button didn't even glow... I have Windows 11.

i couldn't recreate this issue on my end, unfortunately, so i'm not sure why it might have happened...

all i can really think that might help is maybe using the web build instead, or simply trying the game again, in case it was a one-off problem

i do remember earlier in testing, skipping through text caused some problems? 

sorry i can't be of more help!

(1 edit) (+2)

The ending is really something........... Eggstremely thought-provoking. I'm gonna be eggspecting some dreams tonight about this one.



 I'm blind it took me 2 years to learn how to use my devices independently. I love gaming but often there's not any or many accessible games I can find and play. I found this game underneath the blind accessibility filter on was just wondering since it doesn't say anywhere if there's  accessibility options on the game after you download it? 100% OK if there's not but I just wanted to ask before downloading. Even if it's not accessible I'll look for a let's play of it on YouTube so I can experience it that way as well. The game sounds amazing and I definitely do want to play or experience it in some way. Please reply when you can. Thank You!

(2 edits) (+1)

Hit "v" and it should turn on self-voicing!

Thank you so much! that helps a lot. I appreciate you explaining that.


Egg? Egg.

Image result for new emperor's groove meme

(But for real, this was a cute little funny game!)


people refuse to take egg from a stranger. what dystopian future is this.


times are hard, but

egg is for you

(1 edit) (+3)

A truly egguberant game, it was indeed eggxactly what I needed to cheer me up during these trying times!

From hearing you talk about it during the jam, and getting those eggclusive insights into your process, I was already eggspecting to enjoy it… and was delighted to find that it just eggxudes happiness! In truth, it’s hard to eggpress the joyous feeling I got from this eggsperience, and by the end I was truly sorry to eggxit.

I realise there is no eggcuse for being so late with this comment, but after being wayLAID during my last visit, this is now the second time round writing it.

I will not begg for more content, but should you ever wish to eggspand it, I will legg it over here and will be delighted to spend time with Eggbert eggain.


(edited because I mispelled egguberant and that could not stand)


this is eggtremely high-effort egg and i eggpreciegg it

(1 edit) (+2)

Egg egg egg egg egg,

Egg egg egg egg egg.

Egg egg egg,

Egg egg egg,

Egg egg egg egg egg.

(2 edits) (+1)

It´s an Eggcellent game


got the time travel eggnding. very good. 






the world needs more eggs.....

lets bust down their doors and give them eggs


brb going to bang on all my neighbours' doors until they let me give them EGGS. they are NUTRITIOUS and GOOD FOR YOU

eggs for you. good for you. very good tagline


Absolutely eggcellent 🥚

thank yougg!! 🥚


e g g  (0) u (0)

e g g ! ! !


It might not be much, but it's nice to see that there are people who still appreciate eggs, as I like eating tasty, scrambled eggs for breakfast.


eggs for everyone!!!!!

















eg g

e gg


eggsquisite game

thank yougg










eggcellent game.


eggcellent comment.